Recommended Saddle Fitters
Find a professional saddle fitter from our list to help get you the perfect fit!
Recommended Saddle Fitters
Take the hard work out of looking for a saddle fitter in your area with our Fitter Finder.
These people are tried and tested by ourselves and those in our network, so you know you will get professional service and top class fitting for you and your horse.
Jason and Steve, Tuggerah NSW
Phone: 02 4353 1922
Email: info@trailrace.com.au
Servicing areas all across the country by appointment
Performance Saddle Fits
Paula Jeffrey, NSW
Email: info@performancesaddlefits.com.au
Servicing areas all across the country by appointment
New South Wales
Superior Steed
Elizabeth Lewis, Bargo, NSW
Phone: 0423 884 780
Email: liz@superiorsteed.com
Servicing: Sydney, Illawarra, Southern Highlands, Goulburn and South Coast regions
The Saddle Fitter
Kathryn Sullivan-Butt, Chillingham NSW
Phone: 0413 371 802
Email: info@thesaddlefitter.com.au
Servicing: Tweed and Murwillumbah NSW regions, Gold Coast, Brisbane
* Please note these saddle fitters are not employed by The Saddle Hub. We have no association or control over how they run their business. This is just a convenient listing of fitters we know carry out quality work.