What you will love about this saddle:
- Adjustable girthing options (see below)
- Easy change gullet
- Nice wide channel
- Forward cut flap with thigh and calf blocks
- Made in England from quality leather
The neutral position is with both points under the flap
If the saddle slips forward as the horse moves, use the forward girthing option
Select the back slots if the saddle moves backwards.
If more stability is required, use the forward bottom slot and the back top slot.
Size measured: 17.5″
Size stamped: 17.5″
Gullet measured: Easy Change, currently fitted with Blue (MW) plate
Gullet stamped: MW
-front: 12m
-middle: 9cm
-rear: 8cm
Flap length:
-from top of stirrup bar: 37cm
-from top of flap:
Flap width: 36cm
Colour: Brown
Panel fill: Latex
Panel length: 42cm
Adjustable: Easy Change
Condition of points: New
Marks, damage or wear: Nil
Accessories: Fairfax cover